Baptism: A Celebration of Faith!

Baptism is the act of being immersed in water by a new believer.  It symbolizes the end of an old life and the beginning of a new life. This is a public declaration of one's commitment to Christ and a powerful symbol of spiritual rebirth. If you're considering bapitsm, or simply curious about it's significance, this page is for you!

Commonly Asked Questions

  • When are baptisms performed?
    • Baptisms are performed on the first Sunday of each month at the beginning of service. Changes to dates, times, or location are at the discretion of our Senior Pastor Boyer.
  • If I don’t get baptized, am I still saved?
    • Yes, water baptism cannot save you. Our salvation is considered a gift from God through faith in Jesus Christ, and baptism is a symbol of that faith. Salvation is not something we earn because of a work we’ve performed. (Ephesians 2:8-9). However, baptism is still considered an important step of obedience and a meaningful act of identification with Christ.
  • Will I go to hell if I’m not baptized?
    • No, not getting baptized does not automatically condemn you to hell. While some Christian denominations hold different views, most Baptists believe salvation is primarily based on faith in Jesus Christ and his sacrifice. Baptism is seen as an outward expression of that internal faith, but not the sole determinant of your eternal destiny.
  • If I was baptized as a child, do I need to be baptized again?
    • If you were baptized as a baby/child, before you could choose to follow Jesus for yourself, your parents made a choice for you in hopes one day you would chose for yourself. This is not a "do-over" but a choice you are choosing for yourself to follow Jesus.
What does it mean to get baptized? 
  • Being baptized signifies a believer's personal decision to follow Jesus Christ. It's not a requirement for salvation, but rather an outward expression of the inward change that has taken place in their heart. Baptism symbolizes:
    • Union with Christ: Through immersion in water, we identify with Christ's death and resurrection. We die to our old life of sin and are raised to new life in Him.
    • Membership in the body of Christ: Baptism welcomes us into the community of believers and signifies our commitment to living as Christ's disciples.
    •  It is a public proclamation that you are a follower of Jesus, no turning back.
    • We submerge each person in the water as a symbol of our death in sin, and then we are raised back up out of the water to symbolize our resurrection to new life through Jesus.
  • I'm interested in getting baptized, but I have questions. What should I do? 
    • If you're feeling called to be baptized, we are excited for you! We welcome you to talk with our deacons, deaconess and/or our Pastor Bouyer with any concerns or need for clarity. They can answer any questions you have and guide you through the process. Remember, baptism is a joyful celebration of your faith, and it's a decision you should make with confidence and excitement.

Are you ready to be Baptized?

Congratulations! Getting baptized is a beautiful decision and a part of your personal journey. Take your time, ask questions, and seek guidance as needed. 
Ultimately, the decision to be baptized is yours, and it should be a joyful celebration of your faith in Jesus Christ.

When you’re ready, we welcome you to fill out the form below to schedule your baptism.


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