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About Us

Kingdom Kids are loved and treasured!
Kingdom Kids Ministry (KKM) begins as early as infancy through 5th grade. Each week through a loving and caring environment, our Teachers, Parent Volunteers and Youth Teacher Assistants teach our Kingdom Kids to Know, Love, and Commit to Jesus.
We welcome you and are excited to partner with you to guide your child(ren) toward a heart for God!
Kingdom Kids Ministry (KKM) begins as early as infancy through 5th grade. Each week through a loving and caring environment, our Teachers, Parent Volunteers and Youth Teacher Assistants teach our Kingdom Kids to Know, Love, and Commit to Jesus.
We welcome you and are excited to partner with you to guide your child(ren) toward a heart for God!
What We Believe...
Ministry Banner Verse
Ministry Mission
Ministry Vision
Train up a child the way they should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
~Proverbs 22:6
~Proverbs 22:6
The purpose of the Kingdom Kids Ministry is to teach children how to Know, Love, and Commit to Jesus Christ.
We seek to lead the next generation in building a relationship with Jesus Christ through His word.
Parent Information
Completed forms can be submitted on Sunday morning before service or emailed to:
Class Schedule
Check In
Dismissal from Sanctuary
Prayer/OfferingWelcome ActivityLesson /Video
Class Activity
Parent Pick Up
Kingdom Kids Classes
Busy Bees
Our Nursery is for non-walkers and walkers under the age of 2. We recognize this is a critical learning time for this age, so we use pictures and songs to teach our little ones that Jesus loves them.
Soaring Sprouts
Our Preschoolers are potty-trained toddlers and Kindergartners ages 2-5. We maximize the learning experience of our Preschoolers by incorporating free time as they learn about the love of Jesus through songs and lessons.
Great Explorers
Our Elementary 1 class is designed for children in 1st - 3rd grade. At this age, we seek to create the optimal learning environment by incorporating all of their senses.
Faith Seekers
Our Elementary 2 welcomes children in grades 4th - 6th. In this class, we focus on teaching Biblical principles such as the importance of prayer and service in the Kingdom. These principals prepare this age group for transitioning to our Youth Group.